Jennifer from Kvetch Mom is one of those people. Honest, incredibly funny and fearless as she navigates life, being a Mommy to three beautiful children, blogging and oh so much more. I can always count on her to provide a good laugh with a side of provocativeness, Kvetch Mom is a blog I love seeing pop up in my inbox. Check her out, follow her, laugh, ponder, and enjoy!
Twitter: @jlweinberg
Wish away Jennifer.......
Thank you, sweet Meg, for inviting me to participate in your wonderful
3 Wishes series! It's an honor to be here. This has been a very
thought-provoking post to write.
It is really difficult to chose something that I would change about
the past because I feel like I am a sum of its parts. The good, the
bad, the ugly. It seems that changing one thing could alter the whole
path that got me to where I am today. And happily, I am doing pretty
well these days! So, I might not change anything but whisper in my
young ear along the way something like this: You are exactly where you
are supposed to be at this moment. It'll all come together one day and
make sense. Rather than resist the intensity, ride it like a surfer
would a wave and trust you'll be okay and that it's all part of the
process. P.S. Wear sunscreen every day and stop skipping class!
My wish for today would be, I guess, to listen to that voice that's
whispering in the ear of my younger self. I want to live my life with
less fear and more courage. Eleanor Roosevelt said, "We gain strength,
and courage, and confidence by each experience in which we really stop
to look fear in the face... we must do that which we think we cannot."
If in the next twenty years I can have the confidence to go after my
dreams undeterred by fear and self-doubt I will be a very satisfied
person. I think this applies to parenting, marriage, friendships and
creative endeavors.
As I move into the future I hope to achieve balance in my life with
grace, laughter and with patience. I aspire to be fully present for my
husband and children and at the same time honor my own needs for
creative and professional growth. (A book deal would be great!) I want
to grow older without fear and see wrinkles and laugh lines as things
of beauty. I wish for my children to always have a sense of humor and
be above all kind, thoughtful, and generous. I wish them financial
stability, love and friendship, too. For my husband, a peaceful heart,
good health and lots of opportunities to sleep. Genie wishes: Free
airfare to visit friends & family any time, money to pay off mortgage
and student loans, a cancer free life, and all the free housekeeping a
girl could ask for.
In honor of my dear friend Sarah, who has so many qualities I love and
admire, I'd like to share a simple summer drink recipe that I think
she'd like.
The Salty Dog (from Bon Appetit
Coarse kosher salt
Ice cubes
1/2 cup vodka or gin
3/4 cup fresh grapefruit juice
Pour coarse salt onto small plate. Moisten rims of 2 highball glasses.
Gently dip rims into salt to coat lightly. Fill glasses with ice
cubes. Pour 1/4 cup vodka over ice in each glass. Divide grapefruit
juice between glasses and serve.